
Isnin, 6 Disember 2010

Islam & Science

Stars that Hide and Move Swiftly

So verily, I swear by the stars that recede (i.e.disappear during the day and appear during the night), And by the (cleaning) stars that move swiftly and hide themselves. Allah, the Almighty, says: [So verily, I swear by the stars that recede (i.e. disappear during the day and appear during the night), And by the (cleaning) stars that move swiftly and hide themselves.] {At-Takwir:15-16}
{فَلَا أُقْسِمُ بِالْخُنَّسِ ﴿١٥﴾ الْجَوَارِ الْكُنَّسِ} [التكوير:15-16]
Transliteration: fala okosemu bel khnnas algawari lkonnas

The Scientific Fact:

Black holes are the late stages of the life of gigantic stars which are five times larger than the sun. These stars are of great density and gravity that they almost gravitate everything even light whose speed is 300,000 km/. Therefore, they are given this name (i.e. black holes) because anything that approaches them disappears, and they are seen as black holes in space.

These giant hidden stars sweep away anything in their way including other stars and that is why they are called gigantic vacuum-cleaners. These facts are proven by the calculations made by Karl Schwars Child in 1916 and Robert Oppenheimer in 1934. Since 1971, the existence of such black holes in space has become more and more probable. For instance, scientists believe that our galaxy (the Milky Way) is considered one of these black holes.

Facets of Scientific Inimitably:

Allah, the Almighty, swore by these things to confirm the fact that the Ever-Glorious Qur'an is a Divine revelation. He (Exalted and Glorified be He) says: [So verily, I swear by the stars that recede (i.e. disappear during the day and appear during the night). And by the (cleaning) stars that move swiftly and hide themselves. And by the night as it departs; And by the dawn as it brightens; Verily, this is the Word (this Qur'an brought by) a most honorable messenger [Jibril (Gabriel), from Allah to the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him)].] {At-Takwir:15-19}
{فَلَا أُقْسِمُ بِالْخُنَّسِ﴿١٥﴾ الْجَوَارِ الْكُنَّسِ﴿١٦﴾ وَاللَّيْلِ إِذَا عَسْعَسَ﴿١٧﴾ وَالصُّبْحِ إِذَا تَنَفَّسَ﴿١٨﴾ إِنَّهُ لَقَوْلُ رَسُولٍ كَرِيم}
Transliteration: fala okosemu bel khnnas algawari lkonnas wa lail itha assass wa s-sobuh itha tanaffas innahu laqawlu rasoolin kareem

The importance of this kind of confirmation lies in the object used for swearing here, which is described in a way tantamount to black holes. The black holes are running stars that move in their poles, and hide themselves after having been obvious, as they are at the end of their lives.

They produce no light due to their gravity which enables them to gravitate everything in their way and clear their way by swallowing up everything around.
The Ever-Glorious Qur'an describes them as being ‘cleaners’ in conformity with the scientific description.

The Qur’anic description which confirms the scientific one stands as decisive evidence that the Ever-Glorious Qur'an is the true word of Allah - Glory be to Him

he Seven Earths

A simple image of Earth and the interior layers. Windows to the Universe, at (
http://www.windows.ucar.edu) at the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR). ©1995-1999, 2000 The Regents of the University of Michigan; ©2000-05 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research.

The Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad is the second revealed source of Islam. Like the Quran, it contains scientific information unavailable 1400 years ago. From these miracles is the “seven” earths, mentioned by the Prophet in several of his sayings. From them are the following two:

Hadith 1

It was narrated on the authority of Abu Salamah that a dispute arose between him and some other people (about a piece of land). When he told Aisha (the Prophet’s wife) about it, she said, ‘O Abu Salamah! Avoid taking the land unjustly, for the Prophet said:

«Whoever usurps even one span of land of somebody, its depth through the seven earths will be collared to his neck.» [Saheeh Al-Bukhari, ‘Book of Oppression.’]

Hadith 2

Salim narrated on the authority of his father that the Prophet said:

«Whoever takes a piece of land of others unjustly, he will sink down the seven earths on the Day of Resurrection.»[Saheeh Al-Bukhari, ‘Book of Oppression.’]

The aforementioned hadith prohibits oppression in general, especially the taking of a piece of land belonging to others unjustly. What are the seven earths they refer to?

Studies in geology have proven that the earth is composed of seven zones, identified from the inner to the outer layers as follows:

(1) The Solid Inner Core of Earth: 1.7% of the Earth’s mass; depth of 5,150 - 6,370 kilometers (3,219 - 3,981 miles)

The inner core is solid and unattached to the mantle, suspended in the molten outer core. It is believed to have solidified as a result of pressure-freezing which occurs to most liquids when temperature decreases or pressure increases.

(2) The Liquid Outer core: 30.8% of Earth’s mass; depth of 2,890 - 5,150 kilometers (1,806 - 3,219 miles)

The outer core is a hot, electrically conducting liquid within which convective motion occurs. This conductive layer combines with Earth’s rotation to create a dynamo effect that maintains a system of electrical currents known as the Earth’s magnetic field. It is also responsible for the subtle jerking of Earth’s rotation. This layer is not as dense as pure molten iron, which indicates the presence of lighter elements. Scientists suspect that about 10% of the layer is composed of sulfur and/or oxygen because these elements are abundant in the cosmos and dissolve readily in molten iron.

(3) The “D” Layer: 3% of Earth’s mass; depth of 2,700 - 2,890 kilometers (1,688 - 1,806 miles)

This layer is 200 to 300 kilometers (125 to 188 miles) thick and represents about 4% of the mantle-crust mass. Although it is often identified as part of the lower mantle, seismic discontinuities suggest the “D” layer might differ chemically from the lower mantle lying above it. Scientists theorize that the material either dissolved in the core, or was able to sink through the mantle but not into the core because of its density.

(4) Lower Mantle: 49.2% of Earth’s mass; depth of 650 - 2,890 kilometers (406 -1,806 miles)

The lower mantle contains 72.9% of the mantle-crust mass and is probably composed mainly of silicon, magnesium, and oxygen. It probably also contains some iron, calcium, and aluminum. Scientists make these deductions by assuming the Earth has a similar abundance and proportion of cosmic elements as found in the Sun and primitive meteorites.

(5) Middle Mantle (Transition region): 7.5% of Earth’s mass; depth of 400 - 650 kilometers (250-406 miles)

The transition region or mesosphere (for middle mantle), sometimes called the fertile layer, contains 11.1% of the mantle-crust mass and is the source of basaltic magmas. It also contains calcium, aluminum, and garnet, which is a complex aluminum-bearing silicate mineral. This layer is dense when cold because of the garnet. It is buoyant when hot because these minerals melt easily to form basalt which can then rise through the upper layers as magma.

(6) Upper Mantle: 10.3% of Earth’s mass; depth of 10 - 400 kilometers (6 - 250 miles)

The upper mantle contains 15.3% of the mantle-crust mass. Fragments have been excavated for our observation by eroded mountain belts and volcanic eruptions. Olivine (Mg,Fe)2SiO4 and pyroxene (Mg,Fe)SiO3 have been the primary minerals found in this way. These and other minerals are refractory and crystalline at high temperatures; therefore, most settle out of rising magma, either forming new material or never leaving the mantle. Part of the upper mantle called the asthenosphere might be partially molten.

(7) Lithosphere

Oceanic crust: 0.099% of Earth’s mass; depth of 0-10 kilometers (0 - 6 miles)

The rigid, outermost layer of the Earth comprising the crust and upper mantle is called the lithosphere. The oceanic crust contains 0.147% of the mantle-crust mass. The majority of the Earth’s crust was made through volcanic activity. The oceanic ridge system, a 40,000-kilometer (25,000 mile) network of volcanoes, generates new oceanic crust at the rate of 17 km3 per year, covering the ocean floor with basalt. Hawaii and Iceland are two examples of the accumulation of basalt piles.

This image shows a cross section through the earth’s crust and upper mantle showing lithosphere plates (made of the crust layer and the top part of the mantle) moving over the asthenosphere (upper mantle). Windows to the Universe, at (
http://www.windows.ucar.edu) at the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR). ©1995-1999, 2000 The Regents of the University of Michigan; ©2000-05 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research. Continental crust: 0.374% of Earth’s mass; depth of 0-50 kilometers (0 - 31 miles)

The continental crust contains 0.554% of the mantle-crust mass. This is the outer part of the Earth composed essentially of crystalline rocks. These are low-density buoyant minerals dominated mostly by quartz (SiO2) and feldspars (metal-poor silicates). The crust (both oceanic and continental) is the surface of the Earth; as such, it is the coldest part of our planet. Because cold rocks deform slowly, we refer to this rigid outer shell as the lithosphere (the rocky or strong layer).

This image shows the divisions of the Earth’s interior into 7 layers. (Adapted from Beatty, 1990).


The layers of the earth coincide with the above mentioned hadith of the Prophet. The miracle is in two matters:

(1) The expression of the hadith, «He will sink down the seven earths on the Day of Resurrection,» indicates the stratification of these “earths” around one center.

(2) The accuracy with which the Prophet of Islam referred to the seven inner layers of earth.

The only way for a desert dweller to have known these facts 1400 years ago is through revelation from God.


Beatty, J. K. and A. Chaikin, eds. The New Solar System. Massachusetts: Sky Publishing, 3rd Edition, 1990.

Press, Frank and Raymond Siever. Earth. New York: W. H. Freeman and Company, 1986.

Seeds, Michael A. Horizons. Belmont, California: Wadsworth, 1995.

El-Najjar, Zaghloul. Treasures In The Sunnah: A Scientific Approach: Cairo, Al-Falah Foundation, 2004.

ana, video dan ente

nak cita psl apa lagi ye...emmm...ok....ana nk share video la...nak tak adik-adik? (rs tadika la pulak)

lagu ni memang menyentuh perasaan ana...huhu...
"Kau satu cinta..yg selamanya aku cari...tiada waktu ku tinggalkan demi cintaku kpd-Mu..(dgr la lagi..)

Masalah datang lagi?!! Apa yg perlu dilakukan?!!!

Assalamualaikum semua..hah..fenomena yg tertera di atas mesti selalu terjadi kpd anda kan? begitu juga dgn sy..tak kira BESAR mahupun kecil...kadang2 kita tidak tertahan sehingga kita terduduk dan menangis...ceh..hehe..pa2 pun setiap yg berlaku ada hikmahnya..

Kita adalah sebaik-baik makhluk ciptaan Allah, namun kita masih tidak
terlepas daripada menghadapi masalah. Namun, hati akan menjadi tenang sekiranya kita kembali kepada Allah. Apa jua yang dilakukan mestilah berdasarkan kepada AL-QURAN dan AL-SUNNAH disertai dengan niat yang ikhlas semata-mata untuk mendapat keredhaan Allah.

1) Biasakan diri berada dalam keadaan berwuduk
Jiwa kita akan menjadi tenang jika kita membiasakan diri mengambil wuduk sebelum melakukan pekerjaan. Kerja yang susah akan menjadi senang dan mudah diselesaikan. Para pelajar misalnya (sy pun pelajar juga), disarankan agar membiasakan diri
mengambil wuduk sebelum mengulang kaji pelajaran agar apa yang dibaca akan mudah dingati.(mujarab nih)

2) Perbanyakkan membaca Al-Qur'an
Ganjaran yang besar akan diberikan Allah bagi sesiapa yang membaca
Al-Quran walaupun satu ayat.
Waktu yang sesuai bagi kita untuk membaca
Al-Quran ialah selepas solat lima waktu dan waktu-waktu lain seperti ketika
berehat dan sebelum tidur. Oleh itu, jadikanlah Al-Quran sebagai teman paling
akrab pada sepanjang waktu.

3) Banyakkan Solat Sunat
Sebagai makhluk paling mulia di sisi Allah, kita disuruh membanyakkan
amal ibadat kita sehari-hari. Antaranya, dengan mendirikan solat sunat.
Solat sunat hajat, solat sunat taubat, solat sunat tasbih adalah antara
pelbagai solat sunat yang terdapat dalam Islam. Kita bangun pada sepertiga
malam dan mendirikan solat-solat sunat tersebut agar beroleh ketenangan
dan kekuatan daripada Allah.

4) Selalu berdoa kepada Allah
Allah telah berpesan iaitu jangan menyembah selain daripada-Nya. Ini
bererti kita disuruh berdoa hanya kepada Allah yang Maha Esa dan
dilakukan secara berterusan. Waktu-waktu mustajab berdoa adalah pada malam
Jumaat, tengah malam, pagi sebelum waktu Subuh, malam hari raya, ketika waktu
azan dan iqamah. Insya-Allah, Allah akan memakbulkan doa setiap hamba-Nya
yang benar-benar ikhlas. Namun, kita perlulah sedar bahawa sebarang rezeki
tidak akan datang bergolek sekiranya tanpa usaha yang bersungguh-sungguh.
Maka kita perlulah berusaha supaya mencapai sesuatu di samping berdoa
hanya kepada Allah yang Esa.

5) Bersangka baik dengan Allah
Kita sebagai manusia biasanya tidak akan terlepas daripada berhadapan
dengan ujian dalam hidup. Semuanya itu adalah ujian daripada Allah
yang Berkuasa bertujuan menguji keimanan kita sebagai hamba Allah. Oleh
itu, kita mestilah bersangka baik dengan Allah dan janganlah
menyalahkan-Nya jika terjadi sesuatu ke atas diri kita. Kita juga mesti
percaya bahawa tentu ada hikmah di sebalik kejadian itu.

6) Lakukan kegiatan luar seperti bersukan
Orang ramai selalu berkata bahawa badan yang cerdas akan membentuk
otak yang cergas. Segala tekanan sewaktu bekerja akan dilupakan apabila
kita melakukan aktiviti-aktiviti luar yang dapat menyihatkan tubuh badan
seperti bersukan. Situasi akan menjadi lebih menggembirakan jika kita
meluangkan masa membawa keluarga pergi beriadah. Ikatan
kekeluargaan juga akan bertambah erat dan kukuh.

7) Amal diet dengan disiplin yang kuat
Pengambilan makanan yang berlebihan dan tidak seimbang juga merupakan
salah satu faktor tekanan sewaktu bekerja. Oleh itu, cara untuk
mengurangkan tekanan adalah mengamalkan diet dengan disiplin yang kuat.
Diet yang tidak terkawal akan menyebabkan kegemukan dan menimbulkan penyakit kronik yang lain seperti lemah jantung, darah tinggi, kencing manis.

8) Menangis dengan sepuas hati
Tekanan yang dihadapi sekiranya melibatkan individu yang lain dapat
diredakan melalui luahan hati kita dengan menuliskan rasa
ketidakpuasan hati kita itu dalam sehelai kertas. Sikap cuba menyimpan perasaan
tersebut dalam hati boleh menyebabkan diri merana. "Luaran lain hati lain"
ada sesetengah individu apabila mereka mengalami sesuatu tekanan, mereka
seolah-olah tidak menunjukkan permasalahan mereka itu. Sebagai
contoh, mereka akan sentiasa gembira bila dilihat bersama rakan-rakan
tetapi dalam hatinya hanya Allah yang Maha Mengetahui. Maka dengan itulah, menangis dilihat sebagai salah satu cara kita dapat mengurangkan tekanan yang dihadapi di tempat kerja.

9) Hargai kebolehan diri sendiri
Kita perlu mempunyai satu sikap yang dipanggil yakin diri. Apabila
kita mempunyai keyakinan diri, maka kita tidak akan mempunyai masalah
untuk melakukan sesuatu pekerjaan yang disuruh oleh pihak lain sewaktu
bekerja. Kita yakin bahawa kita boleh melakukan kerja yang disuruh dengan
mudah dan tiada sebarang masalah yang dihadapi. Apa yang penting ialah,
kita mesti menghargai kebolehan diri sendiri dan memulakan hidup dengan lebih

10) Cintai diri sendiri
"Cintailah diri kamu sendiri sebelum kamu mencintai diri orang lain".
Jelas daripada maksud sepotong hadis ini, kita dapat memahami bahawa kita
perlu mencintai diri sendiri terlebih dahulu berbanding orang lain. Diri
kita yang selama ini masih pada tahap lama dalam pekerjaan perlu
dipertingkatkan dengan cara yang dinyatakan di atas. Kita perlu
memulakan kehidupan kita dengan ceria dan penuh dengan senyuman.

hah..itulah ubat mujarab utk penyakit yg bernama "masalah" ni..jgn dipendam masalah tu...luahkan je..kalau tak da org nk dgr, Allah kan ada..kalau nk luahkan dgn sy pun blh juga.hehe...sy SEDIA MEMBANTU...saya bukan AH LONG, sy cuma nk TOLONG..tak kiralah siapa yg memberi nasihat - Aysraf (imam muda), Mawi, Ramli Sarip mahupun kartun dalam tv tu, semua nasihat yg ikhlas dan berguna, mempunyai nilai di sisi Allah. Jadi, janganlah pandang kepada siapa yg memberi nasihat, tapi pandanglah kpd isi nasihat itu sendiri. Manusia hanyalah alat utk menyampaikan maksud ye...^_^ (senyum tak perlu kata apa2)

Dengar sini ukhti nak pesan..ceh ukhti la pulak...ok la...emm...ana nk pesan

"Suatu hari nanti, apabila kita semakin dewasa, dan telah pulih dari penyakit ini, kita akan pandang ke belakang dan akan ingat, apa perasaan kita pada ketika ini, dan mungkin kiata akan kata pd diri - 'Jahil dan bodohnya aku dulu.... Terlalu sgt ikut perasaan... Skg barulah aku sedar, dunia ini lebih luas drpd apa yg kita nampak dgn mata kasar. Masalah2 dulu tu, mcm daki jer kat kuku bila dibandingkan dgn dunia yg luas ni..." (daki di kuku pulak jd contoh ye..tak de benda lain ke?)"

Jumaat, 3 Disember 2010

cara menyelesaikan masalah melalui kaedah sains!! try la..

  • Ambil tuala bersaiz kecil
  • Basahkan tuala kecil tersebut
  • Bungkuskan tin minuman tersebut dengan tuala kecil yang dibasahkan tadi dan masukkan ke dalam peti ais

cara untuk mengatasi mata berair apabila potong bawang
  • Ambilkan 2 helai tisu
  • Gulungkan tisu sehingga sebesar batang pensel
  • Sumbat tisu tersebut ke dalam kedua-dua hidung anda
Memang cara ini agak lucu, hehe..tapi cara ini berhasil tau

Bukti cara ini berhasil saya tunjukkan melalui kaedah Sains
  • Sebenarnya fenomena mata berair ini bukanlah disebabkan gas yang dikeluarkan masuk ke dalam mata, tetapi gas yang dikeluarkan bawang tersebut masuk ke dalam lubang hidung. Oleh sebab itulah kita kena tutup kedua-dua lubang HIDUNG!!!

Mempercepatkan Air Mendidih

  • Tiba-tiba rumah anda dikunjungi tetamu tetapi ia mahu segera berangkat pulang kerana ada sesuatu hal yang mustahak, sedangkan dia meminta sedikit minuman, bila dibuka tarmus air anda kecewa kerana air panas telah kehabisan. Jika anda dalam keadaan demikian jangan cepat panik, anda bukalah api dapur, ambil sedikit air sejuk dan jerangkan, untuk cepatkan lagi ia mendidih masukkan beberapa sudu gula mengikut kadar air tadi. Kerana air yang dicampurkan dengan gula akan lebih cepat mendidihnya dari keadaan biasa. Disamping itu anda juga akan merasa lebih mudah apabila ingin membancuh minuman tidak perlu lagi dimasukkan gula. Selamat mencuba.

Cara mudah mengurangkan lenguh-lenguh badan
  • "On"kan "hair dryer" anda (memang cara ini guna hair dryer ye..jangan terkezutttt) angin panas aakan keluar dari hair dryer tersebut
  • Halakan "hair dryer" tersebut di tempat-tempat yang lenguh sehingga anda berasa lega
kenapa guna kaedah ini ye...
  • Teknik ini berkesan kerana angin panas yang keluar dari hair dryer tersebut akan mengembangkan saluran darah di kawasan yang berlaku ketengangan tersebut. Apabila darah mengalir dengan sempurna lenfguh-lenguh akan hilang. ^_^
  • Peringatan: jangan halakan angin panas hair dryer terlalu lama...nanti melecur pula kulit anda!!!

Khamis, 2 Disember 2010

Why Do You Dress Like That?

As a Muslim woman I am occasionally asked about my manner of dress.

I always try to give a friendly and informative answer, but often either

I or the questioners are in a hurry,

and they walk away as confused as ever. So allow me to share with you a

bit about the Muslim woman's dress in my blog. So, i have copy and paste this article to share with you all...

The owner of this article is Najiyah Umm Waheeb


Women's covering like this did not begin with Muslims.

Both the Torah and the New Testament instruct women to cover their heads.

Consider images of Mary the mother of Jesus.

She is always dressed exactly like Muslim women dress today!

Practicing Jewish women still

cover their heads,

although they now do it with wigs instead of scarves, and some Christian sects like the

Mennonites and Amish

have also retained the head covering. In God's last revelation to mankind, the Qur'an,

He also instructs women to cover their beauty.

"Say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and

guard their modesty;

that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except

what (must ordinarily)

appear thereof,

that they should draw their veils over their

bosoms and not display their beauty

except to their husbands,

their fathers, their husbands' fathers..." (Qur'an An-Nur, 30-31)

What it Signifies:

Many Westerners associate this type of modesty with

submission and the subjugation of women.

The reason for this is two-fold. Firstly, they sometimes

witness in the media truly oppressed Muslim women,

who, ignorant of their own faith are treated poorly

in the name of Islam by unscrupulous or equally

uneducated men.

Secondly, their own history and scriptures predispose them to this belief.

Commonly called the

"Eve complex" there is a school of thought in Christianity which blames

Eve for Adam's sin of eating from the

forbidden fruit.

The Church's historical view of women as

temptresses and soulless vessels of sexual evil is a

result of this belief.

Additionally Paul associates modesty on the part

of women with submission to their husbands

when he says in I

Corinthians 11:3 "...the head of every women is the man....."

But in Islam, although the husband is

considered th

e leader of the family (as every organization has a leader),

the two concepts of modesty and obedience are

not linked as they were by Paul.

God says in the Qur'an that the believing women should

"cast their garments over their persons (when abroad);

that is most convenient,

that they should be known

(as such) and not molested. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving,

Most Merciful." [Qur'an Al-Ahzab,59]

So Muslim woman's manner of dress is not a

symbol of her submission to man,

but rather a symbol of her belief in God.

It was prescribed by God to protect women from co

modification, objectification and sexualization,

which occur when they display themselves to all, and

sundry rather than reserving their beauty

as something private and precious.


The benefits of covering are many. A Muslim woman forces people

to deal with her

on a person-to-person level.

She is known for her talents, intellect and personality only,

not as "fat", "beautiful" or "a red-head".

She maintains dignity at a time when women are

constantly being treated in a sexually

degrading manner- she is not

sexually harassed or date raped. A Muslim woman retains the

respect and reverence

that Western women gave up

when they began to mistakenly associate lack of modesty

with equality

and freedom. Muslim women also retain a healthy

body image- young

Muslim ladies don't suffer from anorexia

or bulimia, spend countless hours on manipulative "beauty magazines" or


dollars feeding a piranha-like

beauty industry in an effort to gain the acceptance

of a society that values youth

and sex and unattainable perfection.

Muslim women are comfortable with themselves, confident and dignified

in their covering.


In the West the Women' Lib movement was greatly needed.

But in reality such a

movement was not necessary, because

God granted women all the rights they fought for and even more, 1400 years ago.

Islam guarantees women the right to be

educated, to choose their own spouses, to initiate divorce,

to work outside the home,

to own property, to own a business

and to keep any money earned for themselves if they so choose.

Under Islamic law, women have always voted, held public

office, participated in society, and spoken out if they

disagree with leaders.

Muslim women are also the only women

anywhere guaranteed inheritance.

The Face Veil:

At the time of the Prophet Mohammed

(peace and blessings of Allah be upon him),

the "outer garments" with which

the women covered themselves were

sheet-like cloaks which covered everything,

leaving only the eyes showing

if necessary. There is a difference of opinion

among Muslim scholars as to

whether the face must then, by definition,

be covered. I personally believe

that in all matters the correct interpretation is

that of the companions of the

Prophet himself (peace be upon him)

and the earliest scholars. By far most

of them taught that the face must be covered.

In my research of the Qur'an I also c

annot see another interpretation!

I am part of a growing movement of

"modern", educated Muslim women who are striving

to return to this spiritually uplifting practice.

God willing it will then lose its reputation as

being oppressive and will come to stand for faith,

dignity and respect, as it originally did."

Every muslim should know these words, what they mean and when to say them because, we want the blessings from Allah.

Say it and what it meansWhen to say it

  • As salamu aleiykum

meet a muslim
Peace be upon you

  • Waleiykum assalam

a muslim greets you
And peace be upon you

  • As salamu aleiykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh

meet a muslim
Peace and mercy and blessings of Allah be upon you

  • Waleiykum assalam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh

a muslim greets you
And peace and mercy and blessings of Allah be upon you

  • Bismillah

before we do anything
In the name of Allah

  • Jazakallah

when we want to express thanks
May Allah reward you

  • JazakAllahu khair

for expression of thanks
May Allah reward you for the good

  • BarakAllahu feekum

responding to someone’s thanks
May Allah bless you

  • Fi Amanullah

by way of saying good-bye
May Allah protect you

  • Subhaanallah

for praising something
Glory be to Allah

  • Insha Allah

for expressing a desire to do something
If Allah wishes

  • Astaghfirullah

repenting for sins before Allah
I beg Allah for forgiveness

  • Masha Allah

for expressing appreciation of something good
As Allah has willed

  • Alhamdulillah

for showing gratitude to Allah after success or even after completing anything
Praise be to Allah

  • Aameen

the end of a Dua or prayer
May it be so

  • Sal allahu aleihi wasallam

whenever we say the name of Prophet Muhammad
Peace be upon him (S.A.W.)

  • Alaihi salaam

whenever we say the name of a prophet or an angel
Peace be upon him (A.S.)

  • Radi Allah Anhu

whenever we say name of male companion of the Prophet (Sahabi)
May Allah be pleased with him (R.A.)

  • Radi Allah Anha

whenever we say name of female companion of the Prophet
May Allah be pleased with her (R.A.)

  • Radi Allah Anhum

Plural form of saying companions of the Prophet
May Allah be pleased with them (R.A.)

  • Innaa lillaahi wa innaa ilayhi raaji'oon

this is uttered as an expression of sympathy of the news of loss or some one's death
To Allah we belong and to Him is our return

  • La hawla wala quwata illah billah

during the time of hardship
There is no strength nor power except Allah

  • Al hamdu lillah
after sneezing

Praise be to Allah

  • Yar hamukallah

someone else sneezes
May Allah have mercy on you

  • Fi sabi lillah

giving charity
For the sake of Allah

By Ainul Mardiah....karya ana ni..hehe

Nak gambar kartun muslimat???? ni ha...

ana bagi yg ni dulu..kalau ana ada masa ana tambah lagi gambar ye....pa2 pun..sila2 la mencuci mata dgn gambar comel ni...^_^